Site de Rééducation vestibulaire et de l'équilibration.

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Infrared video-graphy (IR Videonystagmography) :
Use of video camera in apparent darkness (with infrared light) to record eye movement for recording and analysis. This test method is far superior to eye electrode ENG, because it is more sensitive, less affected by artifact, and because it provides assessment of any torsional component of eye movement, which is of great importance in identifying the source of some types of vertigo.

Inner ear (Labyrinth) :
Consists of a complex cavitation in the temporal bone and is divisible into three parts, the vestibule (in the middle), cochlea (in front), and semicircular canals (in the back). All three parts form a continuous and tortuous cavitation which is lined loosely by a membrane (membranous labyrinth) separated from the bone surface by a fluid called perilymph. The membranous labyrinth, like most linings of the body, is in substance a sac with intricate ramifications. Its cavity contains a fluid called endolymph. The hearing portion of the labyrinth is the cochlea. The balance portion consists of the vestibular endorgans.
Voir aussi : Labyrinth

Instabilité :
Instabilité et vertige sont deux choses totalement différentes. Lorsqu'un patient se dit instable, l'interrogatoire doit aboutir à savoir de quel type d'instabilité il s'agit.
-Le patient se dit instable: "C'est dans ma tête, ça flotte, ça se brouille". Mais la posturographie et l'examen clinique à la marche montrent qu'il n'y a pas de risque de chute.
Il n'y a pas de "rattrapages" de la posture. C'est une instabilité sensorielle, souvent désagréable.
-Le patient se dit instable: "Je risque de chuter, je suis déjà tombé. La posturographie et l'examen clinique tels que la marche ou le Get-up-and-go test montrent le risque réel de chute".

Insuffisance vertébro-basillaire hémodynamique :
Incidents ischémiques transitoires brefs de quelques secondes en position debout, déclenchés par des mouvements de la tête et du cou. Calmés par la position allongée.

Internal auditory canal :
a canal through the petrous portion of the temporal bone through which pass the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves together with the labyrinthine artery and veins.

Intratympanic (transtympanic) perfusion of streptomycin. :
Perfusion of streptomycin through the tympanic membrane into the middle ear so as to obtain diffusion through the round window membrane into the inner ear. The indications for IPS are: (1) chronic, intractable, disabling vertigo; (2) symptoms generated predominantly in labyrinth to be treated; (3) more conservative treatment not appropriate (as determined by trial or prior experience); (4) adequate vestibular and cochlear function in the contralateral ear; and (5) adequate compensatory function of the CNS.

Intratympanic (transtympanic) perfusion of the round window :
The delivery of medication into the middle ear (tympanic cavity) by way of an opening in the tympanic membrane, whereupon it is perfused against the round window membrane whence it diffuses into the inner ear. The amount reaching the inner ear is proportional to the concentration of the medication times the amount of time that concentration is in contact with the membrane.

Intratympanic perfusion of corticosteroids :
See "intratympanic (transtympanic) perfusion." Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory medications. Indications for this use are not standardized, but it has proven to be very effective against a variety of cochlear and labyrinthine conditions.

Intratympanic perfusion of gentamicin :
See "intratympanic (transtympanic) perfusion." Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic, with similar action and indications to streptomycin. Used mainly for treatment of Meniere’s disease, but can be effective in ablating, partially or completely, an aberrant labyrinth regardless of the pathophysiology involved.
Voir aussi : Transtympanic

Irritable labyrinthine focus (irritable labyrinth) :
Abnormal, erratic (unstable) function of a labyrinth that acts as a source of vertigo or imbalance. This abnormality usually results from disease or trauma affecting the vestibular mechano-receptors, causing them to become abnormally receptive to non-vestibular stimuli, such as sound, pressure or gravitational change. If this focus is constantly being irritated (stimulated), the erratic input creates a constantly changing sensory mismatch of the patient’s vestibular perception of spatial orientation compared to the accurate visual and somatosensory cues. The brain may be unable to compensate for this persistent instability, leaving the patient with chronic, disabling vertigo and/or imbalance.

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